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Join Delaney Ruston, MD, a leading authority on parenting in the digital age and the filmmaker of the award-winning Screenagers movies, as she explores strategies for raising screen-wise and tech-balanced youth. Through interviews with researchers, thought leaders, and young people themselves, the Screenagers Podcast delivers the latest in science along with practical tips and important insights that parents will want to share with their kids and teens.

Nov 4, 2024

Host Dr. Delaney interviews Natalie Foos, director of VoiceBox and lead author of the eye-opening report, “Coded Companions: Young People’s Relationships with AI Chat Bots."

The discussion centers on the risks posed by AI chatbots in young people's lives, using examples like Snapchat’s My AI and the AI companion app Replika. The report provides concrete examples of deeply troubling things the AIs said to users during testing, conducted with young adults aged 18 to 24.

They discuss concerning features, such as how My AI uses location tracking to target young users with ads and emphasize the importance of educating both youth and adults about the potential dangers of AI companions, particularly regarding data privacy, emotional impact, and ethical implications.



Coded Companions: Young People’s Relationships With AI Chat Bots 

Natalie Foos, Director of VoiceBox


VoiceBox’s Ambassador Program

Can A.I. Be Blamed for a Teen’s Suicide?, New York Times, Oct 24, 2024

Time Codes:

00:00 Introduction to Screenagers Podcast

00:11 Exploring Companion Chatbots

00:28 Interview with Natalie Foos: VoiceBox and Youth Voices

00:57 Coded Companions Report: AI Chatbots and Youth

01:26 Snapchat's MyAI: Features and Concerns

05:43 Replika: Customizable AI Companions

12:40 Ethical Concerns and Data Privacy

16:42 Emotional Impact of AI Relationships

25:38 Potential Harms and Risks

28:33 Conclusion and Final Thoughts